Rather, each procedural right must be analyzed separately, and alternatives or intermediate procedural models must be considered. 相反,每一项程序权利必须单独予以分析,替代办法或中间程序模式必须给予考虑。
Review and Reconstruction of Public Prosecution System& As Viewed from Procedural Right; On the Supervision and Restriction of the Procuratorial Practice of the Criminal Petition on the Procuratorial Power 公诉制度之检视与重塑&以诉权为视角论刑事申诉检察对检察权的监督制约
Shipping priority is neither an obligatory right, nor a procedural right, but a real right. 船舶优先权不是一种债权,也不是一种程序上的权利,而是一种物权。
Change of Litigious claim is an important procedural right of parties. 变更诉讼请求是当事人的一项重要诉讼权利。
The second part deals with the idea of legitimate basis of the civil procedural right of election. 第二部分:民事程序选择权正当性的理论基础。
The legal procedural right was put forward in the background as "procedural justice" was popularizing and thriving. 法律程序权利是在程序正义的传播与勃兴这一背景下提出的。
The justice protection of stockholder ′ s rights is the protection and realization of the procedural right of stockholders, that is the right of litigating. 股东权的司法保护,是国家对股东的程序性权利的保护和实现,即股东的诉讼提起权。
Discuss the Taxpayer Procedural Right Protection from One Case 从一则案例看纳税人程序性权利的保障&兼论经济法、行政法中的刑事司法介入
Finally the conclusion emerges that the right is one in civil law, not a procedural right. 本部分的重点在于剖析债权人代位权的性质,得出的结论是:债权人代位权为实体法上的权利;
Research on Procedural Right of Taxpayers 纳税人程序性权利研究
Procedural right and substantial right is of equal importance. 实体权利与程序权利并重。
Habeas Corpus is defendant's basic criminal Procedural right of appeal in the federal system in America. 美国联邦法院人身保护是对州法院刑事被告提供的基本性申诉权利。
On the Procedural Right of Private Party in the Administrative Process 行政相对人程序权利研究
According to the right theory, there are two kinds of rights namely substantive right and procedural right depending on the standard if it can realize substantial interests. 依权利理论,以权利是否实现实体利益这一标准,可以将权利分为实体性权利与程序性权利。
Chapter two is about the theory foundations and practical significance of affirming and protecting the procedural right of taxpayers. 第二章是确认和保护纳税人程序性权利的理论基础及现实意义。
Therefore, it is essential to resolve, in theory, the problem on the relationship between the substantive right and the procedural right. 因此,要建立环境诉权,则必须首先从理论上解决实体性权利与程序性权利的关系问题,这是本文的一个理论难点,笔者作了详细的分析和阐述。
First of all, it analyzes the procedural right in substantive law and demonstrates that besides the right of civil relief explicitly indicated in the legislation, it should also be granted the implicit procedural right through explaining of the law. This right is especially important in China. 首先是对实体法中的诉权进行了分析,证明除了立法明确给予民事救济的权利外,还应该通过解释法律来给予默示的诉权,这一点在中国显得尤为重要。
The procedural right confines and produces substantive right. 税收程序性权利制约税收实体性权利;税收程序性权利可以产生税收实体性权利。
The so-called legal procedural right means citizen can take the due freedom setted by national law in behavior for carrying out and protecting his due property and personal right. 所谓法律程序权利是指公民为实现和保护其正当的财产和人格利益而享有的,由国家法律所设定的公民正当的行为自由的路径选择。
Its content includes procedural right and substantive right. 其内容包括程序性权利和实体性权利。
In our country, owing to the influence of the traditional lawsuit idea, in the past the litigant's legal procedural right was often neglected. 我国受传统诉讼理念的影响,以往忽视了当事人的权利保障。
Participation in the proceedings is a procedural right, only personally involved in criminal procedure activities, will it be possible for the victims to exercise other rights and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. 参与诉讼是一种程序上的权利,被害人只有亲自参与诉讼活动,才有可能行使其他方面的权利,维护好自己的合法权益。
Investigation and evidence collection was an important procedural right of the parties and clarified the parties covering the range of parties, agents and lawyers. 得出调查取证是当事人的重要诉讼权利。并且阐明当事人涵盖了当事人和代理人律师的范围。
The procedural right of relief also namely the right to get help procedurally, which means to provide the relief channels to the individual rights from legislation, administration or justice. 程序性救济权,也可称其为获得程序帮助权,是指为公民权利的保障提供立法、行政或司法上的救济途径,也即恢复受损权利的权利。
The current Criminal Procedure Law of China establishes the main body of the victim status of litigants, it also gives a more comprehensive procedural right of victims; the claims of victims should be respected. 我国现行的刑事诉讼法确立了被害人诉讼当事人的主体地位,也赋予了被害人较为全面的诉讼权利,被害人的诉求理应受到尊重。
Changes should be limited to prosecute "indictment facts identity", including the prosecution facts" unity "and" narrow identity "both cases, the former Penal Code of Crimes and agreeing with the latter is a procedural right to exercise a one-time on the penalty problems. 起诉变更应当限制在公诉事实同一性内,包括公诉事实单一性与狭义的同一性两种情况,前者与刑法罪数论相契合,后者则属于诉讼法上刑罚权行使一次性的问题。
Moreover, we also put focus on the procedural right of counterpart in administrative contract and administrative guide as well as the procedural right of interested person in administrative act. 此外,行政合同与行政指导中相对人的程序权利,以及行政行为中利害关系人的程序权利也特别值得关注。
Meanwhile, the power of supervision of criminal cases filing provides victims a new procedural right to relief and expands the protection space of their rights. 同时,刑事立案监督权也为被害人提供了一种新的程序性救济权利,扩大了其权利保护空间。
As a basic constitutional right, it may get the relief by constitutional litigation; as a procedural right, it may get the relief by the civil court. 作为宪法基本权利,它可以通过宪法诉讼得以救济;作为一项复合性诉讼权利,也可以得到民事法院的救济。
The plaintiff qualifications are one kind of procedural right, must have the benefit which sues. 原告资格是一种程序性权利,必须具有诉的利益。